Monday, May 18, 2020

The Cure

For anyone who has ever suffered.

Written by Joy Pauline Richardson
I try to focus the cross
That Bore my shame for me.
Instead I lean on the headsman's block
And beg for dreamless sleep.
I throw myself on the guillotine,
I barely bat an eye.
Forgo every ounce of truth I know,
Adopt the darkest lie.
I tie the noose around my neck,
I say that it is done.
I've given up on me although
The war was ages won.
The war was won so long ago
My flesh cannot recall.
I'm blinded by my misery,
Forget He felt it all.
He felt it all, He had a choice,
He chose to slay his son.
He came to Undermine the doubt
He came to Overcome.
He came to overcome the grave
And all the towers that we've made,
The wisdom we've contrived.
To RIP the veil and tip the scales
In favor of our lives.
In favor of my life He came
He did not spare Himself the pain
He did not spare one bone.
He was crushed in every place
To place me in His Home.
He was crushed in every place,
Endured for me alone.
Forsaken and betrayed He died
My foolish heart atoned.
I am coming home to Him
I'm well upon my way
But not until the book is filled
And it's not done today.
It's not done today
And not until He speaks the word.
I suffer but no matter what
I Know That I Am Cured.

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